четвртак, 19. децембар 2013.
субота, 5. октобар 2013.
понедељак, 30. септембар 2013.
Zovem se Miloš Borojević, rođen sam 20. 07. 1966.godine u cirkusu,
pardon, u Beogradu, od majke Bosiljke i oca Nebojše. Kao mali imao
sam tu sreću da se rodim krajem 60.-tih i početkom 70.-tih godina
prošloga veka u periodu, po mnogima, najlepšeg življenja u bivšoj
nam državi Jugoslaviji. Bile su to godine procvata i prosperiteta.
Moj otac je igrao fudbal u klubovima Sindjelić, Metalac i BSK i kao
dete provodio sam dosta vremena na fudbalskom stadionu. Bila
su to srećna vremena, a najčešće mesto gde su deca tog vremena
odlazila bio je Zooloski Vrt - tadašnji ZOO VRT GRADA BEOGRADA.
U tom periodu bivše Jugoslavije događalo se i nešto što će kasnije
ostati u mom trajnom sećanju, a to je svakako CIRKUS.
U Beograd kao veliki grad, prestonicu Jugoslavije dolazili
su cirkusi, nekih godina i po 2.-3. godišnje. Uglavnom su to
bili veliki Italijanski cirkusi, zapamtio sam cirkuse:
Pored tih velikih postojalo je i nekoliko naših manjih cirkusa:
Pored njih zapamtio sam i Poljski cirkus POLONIA, Mađarski
Nažalost nije mi ostalo puno fotografija iz tog vremena,ali
ovo što imam mislim da je sasvim dovoljno da posvedoči o
jednom vremenu koga na žalost više nema.
U sećanju mi je svakako ostao cirkus "MOIRA ORFEI-HOLIDAY ON ICE"
koji je sa svojom velikom šatrom na 3. arene bio postavljen
u Karađorđevom Parku na mestu današnje Narodne Biblioteke,
mislim 1972. godine. Sećam se nekoliko pari velikih ženskih nogu
na klizaljkama na ulazu, velikih agregata za struju, mašina za led,
kao i prikolica sa životinjama koje su bile postavljene na platou
ispred današnjeg hrama Svetog Save. Bio je to događaj za grad,
slonovi su pravili paradu kroz glavne gradske ulice i za decu
tog vremena bilo je to nešto što se ne zaboravlja.
Placevi na kojima su gostovali cirkusi 70.-tih godina bili su
kod stadiona Crvene Zvezde, na Novom Beogradu kod starog
Merkatora i Hale Sportova i na Karaburmi kod stadiona
FK Beograd. Kasnije 80.-tih godina pa sve do 90.-tih plato
za cirkus je bio kod SC Banjica na Banjici. Početkom ratova
na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije nestao je i plac kod SC Banjica.
Nakon toga plac je bio na Dunavskom keju kod Hotela Jugoslavija.
Pored cirkusa CORONA koji je tu bio skoro svake godine pamtim i
cirkus MEDRANO-INDIMENTICABILE 1996.-te godine i potom
cirkus EMBELL RIVA 2002. i 2003. godine
Napominjem i da je najveći broj mojih fotografija iz tih davnih dana
prikazanih na ovom blogu ostalo kao uspomena na neko prošlo vreme
iz perioda mog detinjstva i podsećanje na periode življenja u bivšoj
državi Jugoslaviji.
Ovim putem se zahvaljujem i mom prijatelju Jovanu Andriću,
isto tako velikom ljubitelju cirkusa, iz Kanade
koji je svojim fotografijama dopunio ovaj blog
iz njegove ogromne kolekcije "Posteri iz moje garaže"
Thanks to Jovan !!!!!
недеља, 22. септембар 2013.
недеља, 15. септембар 2013.
Po halama glavnih gradova nekadašnje Jugoslavije
gostovao je i Ruski državni cirkus i Moskovski cirkus
sa veoma kvalitetnim programom i dresurom životinja
ovo su slike iz toga doba ,cirkus je gostovao u Beogradu
u hali "PIONIR" u jesen 1980. i 1981. godine.
четвртак, 5. септембар 2013.
My name is Milos Borojevic.I was born on July 20. 1966. in circus....sory,Belgrade.I was lucky to have been born and spent my childhood in the 60's and 70's,during the time of progress and prosperity of the former Yugoslavia.
My father was a footbal player in the clubs of "SINDJELIC", "METALAC" and "BSK" and I used to spend a lot of time with him on the playgrounds.It was a happy time, and the most popular place for kids was BELGRADE ZOO.
It was the time when big circus regularly visited Belgrade,the capital of the former Yugoslavia.Sometimes 2 or 3 big circuses would have their shows in our city.I remember mainly Italian circuses,whose names I can not forget : ''MOIRA ORFEI'' ''CITTA DI ROMA'' ''AMERICAN CIRCUS'' ''EUROPA'' ''LIANA ORFEI'' ''MEDRANO'' ''EMBELL RIVA''.... etc. Apart from these big circuses,there were also several smaller ones like "CORONA" "VARGAS"...
I steel remember the Polish circus "POLONIA", Hungarian "APOLLO", ''GRAND CIRQUE DE FRANCE'' and many others.Unfortunately,i do not have may photographs left from that period,but the ones I have,I think speak for themselves about the time that has gone for ever.
My most vivid memory is certanly visit of the "MOIRA ORFEI-HOLIDAY ON ICE" circus,which spread its huge tent with three arenas in the Karadjordjev Park,close to the National Library, I think in 1972. At the entrance there were "big female legs with skates on",big agregattes,ice machines,as well as trailers with animals on the spot where the big St.SAVA Church is located nowdays,it was big happening for the city.Elefants paraded along city streets and for as,city kids was an unforgettable expirience.
Big circuses in the 70's were usually located at the FK "RED STAR" stadium, old "Mercator"in New Belgrade,and FK "Beograd" in Karaburma.Later,in the 80's until 90's,they were located in Banjica by the SC "Banjica" but that practise was no longer popular with the outbreak of crisis and war in region.Later,there was a location at Dunavski Kej,by the river Danube and close to Hotel YUGOSLAVIA. Apart from "CORONA"circus which was there almost every year,I remember circus "MEDRANO-INDIMENTICABILE" in the year 1996. and after that "EMBELL RIVA" in 2002 and 2003.
I would like to say that the majority of the photos date back to the "old times"(over 90 %) they are shown on my blog and they belong to me. I keep them as valuable memories from my childhood and the life in the former YUGOSLAVIA...
My father was a footbal player in the clubs of "SINDJELIC", "METALAC" and "BSK" and I used to spend a lot of time with him on the playgrounds.It was a happy time, and the most popular place for kids was BELGRADE ZOO.
It was the time when big circus regularly visited Belgrade,the capital of the former Yugoslavia.Sometimes 2 or 3 big circuses would have their shows in our city.I remember mainly Italian circuses,whose names I can not forget : ''MOIRA ORFEI'' ''CITTA DI ROMA'' ''AMERICAN CIRCUS'' ''EUROPA'' ''LIANA ORFEI'' ''MEDRANO'' ''EMBELL RIVA''.... etc. Apart from these big circuses,there were also several smaller ones like "CORONA" "VARGAS"...
I steel remember the Polish circus "POLONIA", Hungarian "APOLLO", ''GRAND CIRQUE DE FRANCE'' and many others.Unfortunately,i do not have may photographs left from that period,but the ones I have,I think speak for themselves about the time that has gone for ever.
My most vivid memory is certanly visit of the "MOIRA ORFEI-HOLIDAY ON ICE" circus,which spread its huge tent with three arenas in the Karadjordjev Park,close to the National Library, I think in 1972. At the entrance there were "big female legs with skates on",big agregattes,ice machines,as well as trailers with animals on the spot where the big St.SAVA Church is located nowdays,it was big happening for the city.Elefants paraded along city streets and for as,city kids was an unforgettable expirience.
Big circuses in the 70's were usually located at the FK "RED STAR" stadium, old "Mercator"in New Belgrade,and FK "Beograd" in Karaburma.Later,in the 80's until 90's,they were located in Banjica by the SC "Banjica" but that practise was no longer popular with the outbreak of crisis and war in region.Later,there was a location at Dunavski Kej,by the river Danube and close to Hotel YUGOSLAVIA. Apart from "CORONA"circus which was there almost every year,I remember circus "MEDRANO-INDIMENTICABILE" in the year 1996. and after that "EMBELL RIVA" in 2002 and 2003.
I would like to say that the majority of the photos date back to the "old times"(over 90 %) they are shown on my blog and they belong to me. I keep them as valuable memories from my childhood and the life in the former YUGOSLAVIA...
понедељак, 12. август 2013.
четвртак, 25. јул 2013.
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